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Grand Whiskey Dinner

Thursday, December 12th at 7:00 pm - Thursday, December 12th at 9:00 pm

at Event OverviewJoin us for this extraordinary dinner event featuring dishes prepared by our Culinary Team accompanied by specialty whiskey pairings for each course carefully...

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Grand Whiskey Dinner

Thursday, December 12th at 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm



Event Overview

Join us for this extraordinary dinner event featuring dishes prepared by our Culinary Team accompanied by specialty whiskey pairings for each course carefully selected by our in-house Whisky Ambassador.

The dinner menu includes:

Amuse Bouche(French to mean “amuse the mouth” or to generally please guests’ palates with a small, flavorful taste)
Brown Bread Crustini, Boursin Spread, Smoked Salmon Mousse, Capers and Dill 

Whiskey Pairing:  Triple Sun Spirits Malt Peated- Emmaus, Pa

Mixed Greens, Sweet Pepper Drops, Crispy Red Onion Straw, Bleu Cheese Crumble, Charred Heirloom Tomato, Currant Vinnagrette  
Whiskey Pairing: Kavalan Classic Single Malt – Yuanshan, Yilan County, Taiwan

Guinness Braised Shrimp, Blood Molly Cocktail Sauce, Charred Lemon

Whiskey Pairing: Bushmills 16 Single Malt Irish Whiskey – County Antrim, Ireland  

Main Entree
American Wagyu Flat Iron, Chilean Sea Bass, Twice Baked Potato, Charred Broccolini, Whiskey Cream Au Poivre, Red Wine Demi

Whiskey Pairing: Triple Sun Spirits‘87 Carol Stoudt’s Reserve Straight Malt Whiskey – Emmaus, Pa

Fairy Ring (Deconstructed Buche de Noel) 

Whiskey Pairing: Wilderness Trail Small Batch Bottled In Bond Bourbon – Danville, KY

Mignardise (End Of Dinner Cleanser) 
Kiwi Cake Shooter

Whiskey Pairing: Old Elk Distilling Infinity Blend 111 Proof – Fort Collins, CO

For any questions please email Ivan Alicea at



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Event Location

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Thursday, December 12th
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Event Categories:
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McCarthy’s Red Stag Pub and Whiskey Bar
534 Main Street
Bethlehem, PA 18018 United States
View Venue Website
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